Please call the office on 04 887 8739 for more information on adoption. Our office hours are 9AM-1PM, Monday to Saturday. If your call is not answered please leave a message with your name and number and one of our volunteers will return your call.
NAME - Butterscotch
SEX - Female
DATE OF BIRTH – 01.03.2021
SIZE - (when fully grown) Medium
INFO – Butterscotch is a bouncy puppy who has arrived from a home. She is very shy meeting new people but in a short time will show you how playful and clever she is. She is very treat orientated and will learn new tricks and work for her rewards. Butterscotch is very nervous of new sounds, experiences and can be protective. At this stage she needs an adult only home and a villa not apartment. She is the most affectionate, short tail wagging girl who will need some guidance and training to build her confidence.