Please call the office on 04 887 8739 for more information on adoption. Our office hours are 9AM-1PM, Monday to Saturday. If your call is not answered please leave a message with your name and number and one of our volunteers will return your call.
NAME - Hales
SEX - Male
DOB – 10.01.2023
SIZE - Medium
INFO – Hales arrived at K9 Friends as a young pup with his 5 siblings. In the kennels he is inquisitive, smart and very affectionate. Hales had some time in a foster home and they said he was anxious and fearful of new things. Since coming back to the kennels, he has become a favourite with our dog walkers, gained more experience in the outside world and his reports are glowing with stars on what a good boy he is. Hales is looking for an experienced home or foster who can continue this progress.