Please call the office on 04 887 8739 for more information on adoption. Our office hours are 9AM-1PM, Monday to Saturday. If your call is not answered please leave a message with your name and number and one of our volunteers will return your call.
NAME - Dolly
SEX – Female
DATE OF BIRTH -07.10.2012
SIZE - Medium
INFO: Our longest resisdent, Dolly arrived at K9 Friends in 2013. Dolly is one of our favorite characters, opinionated and very affectionate. She can be sweet one minute, then naughty the next. She needs very experienced humans to help her understand the do's and dont's outside the shelter. She does not like strangers (mostly men) and is not suitable to be around children at this stage. After many years in the shelter, she needs guidance on how life works out there. Dolly loves to go for walks and is good on the lead. With some routine and strict rules, she will make a good companion for that one special person. She deserves the chance.